Advantages of BIM in Construction Technology Projects in UAE
Dr.Beliz Tecirli

Dr.Beliz Tecirli

Director Sustainability, NEOM Authority- Enviornment, NEOM

Dr. Beliz Tecirli is an esteemed sustainability expert currently serving as the Director of Sustainability for the Interim NEOM Environment Authority, in Saudi Arabia. In her role, Dr. Tecirli is instrumental in developing regulatory frameworks and strategies focused on circular economy, built environment, and waste management, as well as leading various sustainability initiatives for NEOM. Her impressive career includes prior positions as Sustainability Manager and Expert at ADNOC and ARAMCO, two of the world's largest energy enterprises, where she specialized in climate impact strategies, circular economy, and ESG reporting. Dr. Tecirli is also a Senior Fellow for the Global Cultural Districts Network, contributing her expertise to global sustainability in urban planning and cultural initiatives.